Dark nights,clear skies
rumpled sheets,smooth skin
sweat beads,tear drops
a weary scream
forced from cold scared lips
invisible hands pry trembling eye lids open
granting escape from nightmares seeping into reality
familiar air
soothing possessions
litter specks of reassurance
a month of sundays seemingly pass
to this vacillating mind
‘only a dream’
rest easy,quivering brain
The dark moves
beneath shades of black
frantic eyeballs trace out imaginary figures
soaked tees,wet sheets
petrified heart,booming chest
from the dark comes illusory evil
created by a shrinking sanity
luck sends a ray of evening light
stumbling across murky places.
surprised laughter
caper from still shuddering lips
a still hand brushes away cooling sweat
from brows bearing fear
immeasurable they be
Long slender feet,short forced breaths
feet meets ground,hand cradles head.
she stares at recognisable shapes
she stares into recognisable shapes
she has gone woolgathering
memories of her nightmare
ostensibly lost
presumably picked from her dream vault
her lithe body quivers
as the fear wanes
from a world forgotten
his hand emerges clasping unguided shoulders
horror rips open her eyes
clear facts dawn on her
like the coming daylight ushering in her reality
her nightmare is her reality
laying back down
she embraces her nightmare.
By Abdulsalam Abdul