GADz, FlightSkool and MoneyGang Rap Groups presents the 2013 UNIBEN Cypher. Featuring the finest rappers in the University of Benin who have had their fair share of vibes and buzz in the entertainment industry. They combine their unrivalled lyrical prowess to produce a cypher that will undoubtedly shake rap music and the entertainment industry in Nigeria. “If Hiphop was dead, this is its resurrection”. Rappers in order of appearance; Mystro (@Ovo_mystro), Nemo (@nemo_lemmego), Jurrgis (@thatboyJurRgis), Eljon (@Eljon1), Fulleffex (@_fulleffex_), Lato (@L_A_T_O), TKO (@tee_kay_ooh) and Skillz (@Skillzmania)
[audio:]AUDIO: UNiben Cypher 2013