This designer’s name is John Jefferson(NED Boss). He first started in 2009
with a group called “Official Swag design “ but he broke out and started on
his own 2010.
The name North Enigma Design (NED) came about through his friends cause they
always compliment him saying he makes mysterious and weird designs, so he
took up the ENIGMA cause it means something mysterious, something difficult
to fathom. North was just an addition to give it a sensible pronunciation.
He was inspired to go into the fashion business because, during his fresh man
year in the university, he loved locally tailored shirts and then his
wardrobe was usually filled with various styles of shirts from one particular
designer. He then decided from then on to actually make his own clothes instead
of giving it out to people to do.
His inspiration comes during the early hours of the day “4am- 6am, I’m not a
wizard o…”, also when the atmosphere is quiet and calm, the act of
concentrating and reason is at its best den.
He has had a runway show, that was the FMC show (fashion music comedy show) at Bells
University. He has made designs for Milounge Campus (made their official logo),
made designs for Depths and Height ltd, made designs for Iconics Magazine,
Eardrums Magazines…etc. He has had two nominations on two different Award shows.
One of which was the FMC show he was nominated in the category of next Rated
Entrepreneur of the year” also in the category of Most Enterprising” at the Tush
08189017504, 08051898595
Pin- 23463c42
Twitter handle- @jesse_jeff