Would you come for me?
Come for me If I leave
Would you hold me close and never let go?
Would you come for me?
Come after me
Run for me
Run to me
No matter where I am
No matter how far away I am
Would you come for me?
Come for me
Come because you do not want to loose
Come, because you need me
Come, because I mean to you more than you mean to me
Come, because you have loved
But, loving me was the best thing
Come, because none can stay by you
Stand with you as much
Stand with you for as long as I have stood by you
Would you come for me?
Would you run
Never stopping, even if you get tired
Never stopping, even if I push you away
Never stopping
Always hoping
Would you come for me?
Come, come for because you love me
Come, because you feel what I feel
Would you run after me?
Would you love me even though I make it difficult?