Its a love that can’t leave my lips
One that none must know about
Its a love banned by both sides
One that must not be heard of
Its a love that can’t leave my lips
And oh! How I want to scream my love for you
Its one that can only be expressed when the sun is no more
When we are far away from civilisation
Its a love that can’t leave my lips
One that ignores in the morning
And love you all night long
One that hates you among peers
And screams for you at night
Its a love that’s far from me
One that’s blind to you in the morning
And Is open to your problems at night
One that’s distant in the morning
And tell of tales at night
Its one that can’t leave my lips
One that’s on the hush in the morning
And full of laughter at night
Its one that would get you killed
One that would bring my family disgrace
Its one that can’t leave my lips
One that hides itself from people
One that chooses to be flirty with all guys
Knowing fully well only one has my heart
One that hides behind the rocks
And comes to light under the water
Its one that can’t leave my lips
One of pretence and of pain
One that has to stand and watch you stroke another
One that can’t stand the secrecy
One that knows the consequences
If the truth is ever told